Author Archives: FedUp Rally

December 2016 Update

In the final days of 2016, the federal government took an important step toward controlling the opioid addiction epidemic. A bill signed into law on December 13th called the 21st Century Cures Act includes $1 billion in grants to states to expand access to opioid addiction treatment. FED UP fought long and hard for this funding. In recognition of our efforts, Judy Rummler (FED UP’s chairperson) was invited to the signing ceremony at the White House.

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September 2016…

The 2016 FED UP RALLY was a success!  The 2016 FED UP! Rally and March to Capitol Hill was held on Sunday, September 18th, at 1:00 p.m. at the Sylvan Theater on the Washington Monument grounds in Washington, D.C.. There was a sold-out reception at the National Press Club on the evening of September 17th and a Hill Day on Monday, September 19th. Thank you for your support!  See our 2016 FED UP! Rally page for details.