Our August FED UP Rally included a press event at the National Press Club calling for FDA removal of high dose opioids, a networking luncheon for partners to share advocacy practices, and a march to the White House and a candlelight vigil for hundreds of our followers. We believe our voices are being heard and reflected in a number of important addiction-fighting developments this fall.
Author Archives: FedUp Rally
FED UP! Coalition Advocate, Dr. Caleb Alexander from Johns Hopkins Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness Presents at “America’s Opioid Epidemic: From Evidence to Impact”
Event Details: https://www.jhsph.edu/events/2017/americas-opioid-epidemic/
Chicago Tribune – 10/27/2017
Trump declares the opioid crisis a public health emergency
The Washington Post – 10/26/2017
The JAMA Network – 10/24/2017
WBUR.org – 10/27/2017
DAILY BEAST – 10/21/2017
The Guardian – 10/19/2017