As a member of the FED UP! Coalition, you will join an advocacy network of thousands of other individuals who, like you, are passionate about this cause and support our platform. You are the foundation of our work, and become an active member, working to end the opioid crisis. You will now belong to one of the largest national organizations working on the front lines to hold our government accountable. Thank you for your dedication, passion and support.
Benefits of Membership
- Be assured that you are joining an organization that will never accept funds from pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors or groups advocating on their behalf.
- Join a community of FED UP! Coalition members whose contributions build the foundation of our call for federal action to end the opioid epidemic.
- Receive timely information and detailed guidelines to help you personally engage in the FED UP! Coalition’s advocacy efforts.
- Learn about FED UP! volunteer and leadership support opportunities.
- Receive and proudly display the FED UP! Coalition’s membership badge on your social media, email signature, and/or website.
- Share a photo of a lost loved one for inclusion in the next update of the FED UP! Coalition’s ‘Lost Loved Ones‘ memorial video and have their name added to our memorial banner.
- Memorialize or honor a loved one with a listing of that person’s name on FED UP!’s website.
- Receive tax benefits from your membership as allowed under current tax laws.